What America needs

Although we live in the greatest society in the world, still there is much that if not changed, can and will  move us backward and away from where most of us really hope and expect to go. To start the fix and to start to move forward it is important that we focus on the long term. To that end we need two things; one to accept health care as a right for every citizen and employ  a national health care system as has been done by every other developed nation. Of course we’ll do it better.  Secondly we need to immediately install term limits to stop the disastrous mechanism already in place by which the primary goal of an elected official is  to be re-elected.

1 reply
  1. Robert Edelman says:

    Today we are at rest as we watch the rest of the world in turmoil. In Ukraine they are fighting to stop the unbelievably cruel and inhumane incursion by the Russians yet the purpose, other than to fulfill the manic needs of Mr. Putin have yet to be unveiled. In the free world we have an economy that has been reeling from the effects of the global pandemic, a mismanaged injection of funds into our society, and now burgeoning inflation here in the US and in every other nation in the free world, and of course reeling from the effects of the war. Much can be done but won’t as we teeter on the precipice of the “possibility of a world war 3”. So we persist in allowing this thug to get his way when we could stop it instantly.
    oh, woe is me!


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